Two Mics Up with damednydc

black flat screen tv turned on showing game

Two Mics Up is a weekly show hosted by Damon Cunningham aka damednydc.

Two Mics Up highlights the most influential businesses, entrepreneurs, organizations, and celebrities working to positively impact our communities locally and abroad. Whether it be through their journey or the goods and services our guests provide, Two Mics Up specializes in elevating our community positively one episode at a time!

We create a safe space for real talk with dope guests to Educate, Empower, and positively Impact others.

  • Educate: Educate our community with knowledge for the betterment of us all.

  • Empower: Empower our community to become stronger and more confident--especially in becoming a business owner or entrepreneur.

  • Impact: Impact our community by leaving a lasting positive effect.

Click below to be a guest!

Two Mics Up Booking Calendar

Please select a two-hour window where you'll be undisturbed and in a quiet location. Hard-wired earbuds are suggested to block out white noise in the background during the recording. Also, please arrive on time and TV / show ready. Dress accordingly as you and your recorded episode will be aired across our TV Network.

black flat screen tv turned on showing game

Interested in bringing your podcast to Mogul TV Global?

Click below to schedule a call.